Why eggs can cause food poisoning?

Products that are made from raw egg may contain Salmonella bacteria, which can also be present on the shell of the egg itself.

According to the FSA, “Strong circumstantial evidence suggests that eggs used in catering establishments may be linked to the recent outbreak of salmonella in England. There is also evidence to indicate that cases in Europe with the same strains of salmonella infection are associated with consumption of eggs.”

What are the good practices?

1/ Make sure eggs are clearly marked with a ‘best before’ date and ensure good rotation

2/ Store eggs in a cool dry place, preferably under refrigeration

3/ Store eggs far from ready to eat products (dairy products, cooked meat, vegetables…)

4/ Wash your hands both before and after handling eggs

5/ Cracked or damaged eggs are not to be used under any circumstances

6/ Raw eggs must, in general, be fully cooked or alternatively use pasteurised eggs

7/ Food areas, utensils and containers should always be clean and disinfected between the preparations of different dishes

8/ For high risk recipes, such as mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce, poached, fried and soft eggs, it is important to use ‘Lion-marked’ eggs and customers should be made aware of how the eggs are being cooked

Please contact Food Alert on 020 7244 1900 or e-mail enquiries@foodalert.com if you have any enquiries about this topic.




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